Crispy Roast Pork Belly with Quince

Crispy Roast Pork Belly with Quince

By Debbie Crompton

Recipe for 4 people:

1kg pork belly, skin on, bones removed
2 finely sliced onions
250ml Aurum 2009 Pinot Gris
Approx 500ml chicken stock
Sprig fresh thyme
2 quince, quartered peeled and cored
1 Tablespoon grated orange zest and half a cup of juice
1 teaspoon each ground ginger and coriander
2 fresh bay leaves

Ask your butcher to score a fine criss cross pattern into the skin of the pork belly. Heat your oven to the hottest temperature. Rub salt into the skin.
Place the pork onto a rack over an oven tray. Cook for about 15 – 20 minutes to get the skin crispy and blistered. Remove and reduce oven temperature to 140⁰C.
Place the onions in the bottom of a casserole dish along with everything else except the stock. Place the pork onto the ingredients and pour in stock until the liquids are level with the bottom of the pork skin. Place uncovered into oven until very tender. You should be able to pull the pork apart with a fork. Remove pork and quince from the liquid and keep warm. Squish the remaining solids in the pan with a fork or potato masher. Push everything through a sieve and put into a small pot. Reduce if necessary to thicken and serve with the pork belly, quince, and perhaps a potato mash and seasonal green veges.

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